Yourserviceshop is an ALL KIND OF SERVICE AND ASSISTANCE AGENCY driven by a dynamic and reliable team (former students of the European School).
Yourserviceshop gives you complete assistance and services, such as file submission to public and private entities (ASL, INPS, INAIL, EQUITALIA …), support in online communications, reservation of medical examinations, typing of letters or theses, translations of documents and certificates from Italian to English, German, French and vice versa and much else, which require time and knowhow to be carried out with accuracy and precision, either in our office or at your home/office.
In other words, we support you in doing those things you have no time or possibility to do by yourself.
Our office is in via Garibaldi 16 – 21026 Gavirate (VA).
For information or an appointment, call us at
+39-0332 1560 861 office
+39-349-6984983 Marion Pohland
+39-366-4116249 Brigitte Borloo
or write an e-mail to
You may also visit our website